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French Rack di vitello, crema e chips di carote

16 July 2024

Vitulus, our selection of Italian milk-fed veal, is an important source of nutrients and is known for its high protein content. The breeding of Italian white veal primarily takes place in the well-known region called the Po Valley, where the most important and extensive dairy cattle farms in Italy are located. The milk produced by Italian Friesian cows is indeed the main ingredient of important aged cheeses such as Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano. Male Italian Friesian calves, born from cows used for milk production, are thus destined for the production of so-called white meat. The connection between veal farming and the Italian peninsula is very ancient; according to some etymological studies, the term ITALY itself derives from the term Víteliú: "land of young cattle."

Per prima cosa tagliare le carote a rondelle, metterle in un foglio sottovuoto con olio, sale, burro e erbe aromatiche. Cuocere in forno a vapore per 20 minuti. Frullare, setacciare e mantenere da parte.
Con le restanti carote, tagliarle a listerelle e metterle sottovuoto con aceto, sale, pepe. Lasciarle marinare per 20 min.
Tagliare il French rack seguendo l'osso. Grigliarlo a fiamma viva fino a che non raggiungerà la cottura desiderata.