

Your Committed Foodservice Partner

Founded in 2014 as a company specialized in the international foodservice distribution, Inalca Food & Beverage, a Cremonini Group Company, today presents itself as the ideal partner for Italian catering abroad. IF&B ensures a service that responds to the ever-changing needs that characterize the different segments of professional clientele served, including restaurants, pizzerias, hotels, restaurant and hotel chains and caterers.

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Il nostro impegno: il Servizio

In partnership con fornitori selezionati, IF&B garantisce il monitoraggio dei processi e della qualità dei prodotti con un'attenzione ad ampiezza e profondità di gamma e a soluzioni personalizzate per i propri clienti


IF&B assicura la distribuzione dell' "ultimo miglio" in maniera professionale e puntuale grazie a piattaforme e mezzi di trasporto multi-temperatura, unitamente al lavoro sul campo di tecnici commerciali altamente specializzati.


L'analisi del Food Cost, l'introduzione di nuovi prodotti e la valorizzazione delle tecniche di preparazione, sono alcuni dei servizi ad alto valore aggiunto che i nostri tecnici commerciali offrono alla clientela.


Migliori condizioni di prezzo, servizi di consegna su misura, ricerca di prodotti su richiesta, termini di pagamento personalizzati, sono alcuni dei vantaggi che il nostro Programma di Fidelizzazione offre ai propri clienti.


Selection, quality control & assortment variety

Last mile distribuition and delivery

Specialized technical commercial consultancy

Loyalty Program and joint growth



IF&B supports growth by optimizing the logistics system. Promptness, efficiency and accuracy in information management and time optimization, with a strong impact on the entire supply chain, from the supplier to the end customer.

Connect to our platform to access the service or request information from our Customer Service by filling out the Contact form.


The IF&B Branches in the World

Nine countries, to this date, see the direct IF&B Management presence, consisting of 33 multi-temperature distribuition platforms, thanks to which customs clearance and goods reception are managed, together with storage and capillary distribuition with its means of transportation to customers.

A value chain that is distributed throughout the entire supply chain and controlled at every level of the Company, thanks to the integrated end-to-end Supply Chain model, beginning from the partnerships with suppliers and ending with the timely delivery in the last mile. 

Company growth, expansion into new markets and international scalability represent the ambitious mission of IF&B: a unique business model driven by the constant worldwide developmentof demand for Italian agri-food products worldwide.



Un Ecosistema Gastronomico in Continua Evoluzione

IF&B propone continuamente novità e soluzioni di prodotto e di servizio intercettando ed anticipando i trend del mercato della ristorazione e monitorando le abitudini di consumo dei clienti.


Con un portafolio di oltre 10mila referenze,  IF&B  garantisce ampiezza e profondità di gamma per ogni famiglia merceologica, soddisfando le esigenze dei molteplici segmenti del settore: dai prodotti tipici della ristorazione italiana casual dining, passando per un attenta selezione di prodotti gourmet per il fine dining.


Carni dal mondo, ittico vivo, fresco e congelato, mondo della pizza, salumi e formaggi, semilavorati ad alto contenuto di servizio, bevande e vino e tanto altro ancora...


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The House of Fine Foods is the careful selection of high-end gourmet products from all over the world intended for the fine dining segment. The Project was created to offer its customers a unique experience, to satisfy the needs of those who seek excellence in food, in the quality and freshness of the ingredients, in the processing methods and in the preparation of the dishes.


Buttis is the Wine division of IF&B. Following the same logic and dynamics of our food offer and in full synergy with it, Buttis proposes a wide and deep selection of labels from all regions of Italy. The product portfolio includes all the best known D.O.C.G., D.O.C. I.G.T. and it is completed with the best vintages of collectible wines from the most prestigious brands, while also intercepting the new trends in the consumption of increasingly popular organic and biodynamic wines.



Discover Our Academy Creations!

Step into the world of our Academy and get inspired by our YouTube playlists. From refined techniques to innovative recipes, each video is designed to highlight top-quality ingredients and guide professionals toward new culinary ideas.

🔗 Watch the videos and explore the best of our Academy!



Ingredients, Technique and Creativity

The Academy is the new IF&B multimedia platform, designed to facilitate communication between the actors involved along the entire supply chain, from the supplier to the final customer. A highly specialized professional kitchen, endowed with the latest generation equipment and the most advanced technologies audio/video production, the Academy aims to enhance Italian products and beyond, spreading timely and detailed knowledge on the ingredients and preparation techniques with a pinch of added creativity, thanks also to the collaboration of our Chef Partners involved in the project.

A space for exhibition, demonstration and training, available to our supplier partners, able to reach every corner of the world and every potential customer.

Nested Applications



Via della Pace 6/C, 41051
Castelnuovo Rangone (MO)
+39 059 5333220
